Discover the 10 Largest Gold and Diamond Mines in the World—Prepare to Be Amazed!

Here are the ten largest gold mines by production across the world in 2023, according to GlobalData’s mining database.


1. Muruntau Mine The Muruntau Mine is a surface mine situated in Navoiy Viloyati, Uzbekistan. Owned by Navoi Mining & Metallurgy Combinat, the greenfield mine produced an estimated 1,917 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2032.


2. Carlin Mine Located in Nevada, United States, the Carlin Mine is owned by Barrick Gold. The surface and underground mine produced an estimated 1,665 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2032.


3. Olimpiada Mine The Olimpiada Mine is a surface mine located in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. Owned by Polyus, the brownfield mine produced an estimated 1,398 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2029. 4. Goldstrike Mine

Owned by Barrick Gold, the Goldstrike Mine is a surface and underground mine situated in Nevada, United States. The greenfield mine produced an estimated 1,210 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The expected mine closure date is 2028.


5. Pueblo Viejo Mine The Pueblo Viejo Mine is a surface mine situated in Sanchez Ramirez, Dominican Republic. Owned by Barrick Gold, the brownfield mine produced an estimated 903 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine is expected to operate until 2035.


6. Cadia Mine The Cadia Mine is an underground mine situated in New South Wales, Australia. Owned by Newcrest Mining, the brownfield mine produced an estimated 843.338 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2065. 7. Kibali Mine Located in Orientale, Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Kibali Mine is owned by Barrick Gold. The surface and underground mine produced an estimated 808.889 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2035.


8. Cortez Mine The Cortez Mine is a surface and underground mine located in Nevada, United States. Owned by Barrick Gold, the brownfield mine produced an estimated 799 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The mine will operate until 2031. 9. Lihir Mine Owned by Newcrest Mining, the Lihir Mine is a surface mine situated in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. The brownfield mine produced an estimated 775.978 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. The expected mine closure date is 2049. 10. Shaxi Copper Mine The Shaxi Copper Mine is an underground mine situated in Anhui, China. Owned by Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group, the greenfield mine produced an estimated 730.212 thousand ounces of gold in 2020. Methodology: This information is dгаwп from GlobalData’s mines and projects database, which tracks all operating and developing mines and projects globally. ⱱeгdісt’s parent company GlobalData provides business information to 4,000 of the world’s largest companies.



Enter a fascinating underground world where there are still treasures to discover.


Pearls, known as the world’s oldest jewels, are now found beneath the hardest-to-reach layers of rock.


There is no doᴜЬt that the discovery of more gems and gold, along with more exрeпѕіⱱe pearls is ѕһoсkіпɡ news.




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